Tuesday, March 20, 2012

a tear and a smile

not for the sake of my heart sorrows my exchange
public happiness.
and, I would not shed tears of sorrow
every happiness that flows from me
turned into laughter.
I want me a tear and still
a smile.
tear that purifies the heart and
provide insight into the secret of life
and it is hidden.
a sign of a smile
happiness in life.
I feel better if I died in
desire and longing versus if I
dull and hopeless life.
I'm willing to starve for love and
the beauty that is the basis of my soul after
I saw them a very spoiled
pester people.
I have heard their grievances in the desire
longing and it's sweeter than the melody
the sweetest.
when night falls flower menguncupkan
petals and tidir in the moonlight.
takkala morning came, he opened
his lips to greet the sun's warm rays.
life of a flower with
longing and fulfillment.
a drop of tears and a smile.
sea ​​water to overflow and transformed
a mega plume.
clouds floating over the mountains and
to meet the valley breeze
falls pouring into a broad meadow
and joined the flow of rivers and
back to the sea, his home. Kehipan cloud
It is something separation and meeting.


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